The current times may be overwhelming for us but to seek light at the end of the tunnel has what kept the human endeavour going. While physically things may get exhausting, one should also realise the mental toll the situation can take on an individual’s mind.
Yuvaa, a youth media organisation has realised the need of the hour and has put its foot forward to help people during these testing times. To battle the second wave it has started a Yuvaa Volunteers Program. For more details CLICK HERE

Their hashtag #youthfightscovid covers content pertaining to people sharing how they are dealing with the situation. In order to garner support Yuvaa released a video on their YouTube and Instagram respectively titled, “How to be there for someone during the pandemic” the two and a half minute long video is a spoken word featuring Sharib Hashmi, Avanti Nagral, Srishti Shrivastava, Pulkit Kochar and Muskan Ranka. All of whom are popular faces across media platforms.

Suyash Agarwal, the writer-director of the videos says: “Through this video we (Yuvaa) wish to urge people to help in whatever capacity they can. We are not at all asking them to venture out but to stay home talking to their loved ones and making them feel that they are not alone. People can also follow the trends set up by social media to share leads and resources for the ongoing Covid-19 wave and if that becomes too overwhelming then staying at home and taking a break for mental health is also perfectly fine.

The entire video is a soulful appeal to everyone far and beyond. In case you haven’t checked it out then watch it her

To all our readers. If you feel you can help in any capacity then CLICK HERE
Stay Safe and Mask Up!