Instagram, the world’s largest social media platform is constantly coming up and working on new updates to enhance the user experience with more interactive features and also develop the app. Recently it has come to light that Instagram is working on new ‘reaction stickers’ and also on a feature to edit the profile grid. Let’s have a look at both.

Reaction Sticker

In a tweet by the popular app developer Alessandro Paluzzi, it was seen that Instagram is working on “๐Ÿ˜ Reaction” along with a “๐Ÿ”ฅ” reaction. 

From the images it can be assumed that these reactions will be available on a user’s stories as an addition to the already existing “โ™ฅ๏ธ” reaction which a user can use while sharing a post, image or a video on their story. 

Also Read: Instagram tests screen-sharing during video calls and more features

Edit Profile Grid 

Presently on a user’s profile the grid is arranged in order of the latest post. In a tweet Alessandro Paluzzi revealed that Instagram is working on the ability to allow users to edit the profile grid and rearrange the posts in an order of their preference. The following images were also shared by Paluzzi on Twitter.

The ability to rearrange a profile grid holds a great value for brands and businesses as it would allow them to keep important posts up the order thereby making them accessible to the new profile visitors. Moreover the concept would also help in developing a more visually appealing profile grid with ease.

Presently, both the features are under development and so far not much is known about their beta testing or the official rollout.