Instagram for Business shared “4 tips for turning insights into ideas” which are ideal ones and can be used easily to discover your audience and top content. According to Instagram for Business, this will ensure that you “quickly boost your posts to reach new customers.” 

Now, let’s highlight the above-mentioned points for better understanding:

  1. “Use Instagram Insights to see how people are engaging with your content.
  2. Identify trends and themes of your top-performing posts.
  3. Create new content to engage, educate and excite your fans.
  4. Boost posts that are resonating with your audience to expand your reach.”

So, these were the four tips that’s shared in hope of more engagement with the audience and expanding the community. Instagram Blog states, “We are hopeful that these new features will help businesses and creators shape their content strategy and more accurately assess the quality of their partnership when engaging in branded collaborations. We will be continually updating the Insights experience to better meet the needs of creators and businesses.”

For more information about Insights, check out Instagram Introduces New Insights to Know About Audience Engagement.