The feature is now in beta testing on both Android and iOS, it likely won’t be long until it’s officially available on WhatsApp. Whatsapp’s latest update comes with relief for everyone as it includes an option of letting users hide their ‘last seen’ from particular users.
The ‘last seen’ feature lets the user know the exact time when someone sees your message. Currently, users do have an option of hiding what they saw from everyone, but with that even you are restricted and limited to seeing others’ last seen as well. There’s also an option to set last seen to your contacts only, but it doesn’t give you the option to specify contact.

The new feature ‘My contact except…’ to this above screenshot list, gives us the liberty to specify and remove only certain people from viewing your ‘last seen’.
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To access the feature one needs to:
1.Open Whatsapp Settings
2. Go to Account
3. Click on Privacy
4. Access ‘Last Seen/Profile Photo/About
5. Select option – ‘My Contacts Except..’ and customize it accordingly
As mentioned prior, selecting this option will help users customize their choices and let them exclude some people from seeing their information on WhatsApp. As explained by WebWatsapp Info, you do not need to set your last seen to “Nobody” if you have disabled it due to certain contacts: you can exclude them from seeing your last seen now.
When you select contacts in Last Seen > My Contacts Except, you won’t be able to see their last seen, but this rule does not apply to your about and profile photo.

This feature has been rolled out to some beta testers today, and it may be available to more users in a phase-wise manner.