How Different Cultures Celebrate New Year's Eve

Let's take a look into New Year's Eve celebrations worldwide, exploring the unique and unusual traditions that different cultures embrace for this special moment.


In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight, with each grape symbolising a wish for every month of the new year.


Danes say goodbye to bad vibes by throwing old plates and glasses against the doors of friends and family.

In Greece, families hang garlic and onions on doors for good luck and prosperity in the upcoming year.


Brazilians believes wearing colors brings luck on New Year's Eve. White means peace, green is hope, yellow is wealth, and red is passion.



In Scotland, "first-footing" means being the first to enter a friend's house after midnight, bringing good luck for the new year.


The Japanese ring 108 bells at Buddhist temples at midnight to symbolise the 108 desires to be cleansed for a fresh start in the new year.


Colombians carry empty suitcases around the block on New Year's Eve, hoping to fill them with exciting travel opportunities in the coming year.


Thais float lanterns called "Krathong" to release bad luck and anxieties into rivers.

South Africa

South Africans throw away old items from their homes on New Year's Eve, symbolising starting the upcoming year fresh.

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