Peach Fuzz: Pantone's Colour of the Year for 2024

Pantone named Peach Fuzz as their Colour of the Year! A soft, pinkish-orange hue represents warmth and comfort, providing respite from any uncertainties.


This gentle shade evokes feelings of care and tenderness. It gives off a cosy, familiar vibe, much like the smooth skin of a peach.


It works well with different color palettes, pairing with bold hues for contrast or with similar tones for a calming effect.

It has been making waves across various industries, from fashion to home décor and graphic design to the FNB industry.


Designers have started incorporating into clothing, accessories, and even makeup, adding a touch of softness and warmth to their collections.


Home Décor

This cozy hue is perfect for creating inviting spaces, utilizing it on walls, furniture, for a sense of comfort and serenity into your home.

Branding Brilliance

It brings a sense of warmth and humanity to branding, packaging, and website design.

Delicious Delights

Various food and beverage companies are using it in their products, creating visually appealing and delicious treats.

Hope & Connection

Beyond aesthetics, it signifies a yearning for connection, shared humanity, and hope. It's a colour that reflects a desire for warmth and togetherness.

Embrace The Fuzz!

Regardless of personal style, it's a colour that suits everyone and can create a calm and cozy atmosphere.

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