There’s a new update for the Twitteratis. Twitter is presenting mixed media features in tweets: a Tweet that combines videos, photos, and GIFs. To express yourself how you desire, you may occasionally need to use more than one type of media. So Twitter has got you covered.

Today Twitter is introducing a new way to share different types of visual content — videos, images, and GIFs — together in a single Tweet.” wrote Twitter Blog yesterday.

Simple and easy steps can be taken to include “mixed” media in a Tweet. Tap the “Media” or “GIF” icons when creating a Tweet to choose the content you wish to post. Don’t forget to include a description to make your photographs more readable.

Also Read: Instagram expanding to multiple links in user bios!

“You can add up to four videos, images, and/or GIFs per Tweet. The update is currently available on iOS and Android, however, Tweets with different content types can be consumed on all platforms.”

Supporting artists’ self-expression

Twitter is constantly exploring for innovative and fun ways to support creators’ increased visibility and sharing. Creators can express themselves more fully and find more methods to tell their stories when they combine many visual mediums in a single Tweet.

“Really loving this new tool here on Twitter. It has opened up a whole new world of opportunity to share my work & the behind the scenes. Excited to see how creatives can capitalize on this feature and share more of their process moving forward. Stoked to see Twitter caring about creatives and how they can share their work through this medium.”, @JakeChams

Making Twitter the best place to share media

This update is the most recent illustration of ongoing efforts to make Twitter the simplest and most practical platform for sharing photos, videos, and other types of creative content. It goes along with the launch of two new video products that make it simpler than ever for people to locate and watch what’s happening on Twitter, full-screen videos and a new video carousel in the Explore tab.

Do follow Social Nation for more updates from Twitter.