Instagram continues to improve its interface and make the app a little more convenient and beneficial for the users. In its latest update Instagram has officially started testing a reshare sticker which is a game changer for the way users reshare content on their stories.

reshare sticker
Source: Instagram

The test which is currently accessible to only a subset of users will let them see a collection of content that they have viewed recently in the Stories section of the app. The content will be collected under a new reshare sticker which is located in the sticker stray, visible when creating a new story. The reshare sticker will also display the posts and reels that a user has viewed in the last one hour along with posts that have been recently created.

“People tell us that they prefer original Stories content over reshared posts, so we’re testing a new way to reshare w/ stickers. Our hope is that people will be more intentional when they share, which will create a better Stories experience for everyone.” says Vishal Shah, head of product at Instagram. Popular app developer Alessandro Paluzzi on his twitter even shared images of the reshare sticker when it was still in a developing stage. 

According to TechCrunch, “Content reshared through the sticker will appear against the backdrop of an existing Story, which could encourage more personalization. As it stands now, when users add a post or Reel to their Story, that content generally stands alone against a plain background. The new reshare Sticker adds a new way for people to contextualize content they’re resharing and makes those posts feel a bit less static (think retweets with comments rather than straight-up retweeting a stranger into your feed).”


So far, the test isn’t guaranteed to be launched fully into the app, but Instagram will use feedback from the users using the new reshare feature to see whether it adds a boost to the quality of reshare posts. Instagram also hopes that the feature will encourage people to reshare more via stories or reshare more thoughtfully. We know that people sometimes find reshared content less engaging, personal and fun,” an Instagram spokesperson said of the test. “We hope that with this new test experience, people are encouraged to be more intentional and deliberate when sharing things that matter to them.