Tech Made Simple:  What is Cryptocurrency?

In this series, we breakdown complex technology concepts into basic ideas that help you understand the topic better. In this story, we discuss: Cryptocurrency. So, strap in and lets learn something new!

Cryptocurrency is like digital money that you can use online to buy things, just like you use regular money to buy stuff in a store.

Instead of being physical, like coins or bills, cryptocurrency is all digital and exists only online.

It uses a special technology called blockchain, which is like a digital ledger that keeps track of all the transactions.

Cryptocurrency is created through a process called mining, where powerful computers solve puzzles to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain.

You can buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrency on special websites called cryptocurrency exchanges.

Each cryptocurrency has its own name, code, and value, which can change a lot based on how many people want to buy or sell it.

The most famous cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are many others with different names and uses.

Cryptocurrency lets you make online payments without revealing your real identity, but it's not completely anonymous.

The value of cryptocurrency can go up or down very quickly, so it's risky to invest in it.

Next: EP 03: What is an Algorithm?