What are  WhatsApp channels?

Discover WhatsApp Channels: Meta's latest feature revolutionizes in-app updates, featuring one-way broadcasts in a dedicated 'Updates' tab.

What are  WhatsApp Channels?

It enables in-app updates through one-way broadcasts in a dedicated "Updates" tab, eliminating the need to exit the app.

Rapid Rise in India

Introduced by Meta this week, it is gaining popularity in India, with prominent figures like Prime Minister Narendra Modi joining.

Where to find it?

The former Status tab has been replaced entirely by Updates.

Global Rollout

Meta plans to roll out WhatsApp Channels in over 150 countries, with automatic filtering by country and search options for channels.

Emphasis on User Privacy

Privacy is a priority, with personal information protected, and channel updates saved for only 30 days.

Admin Control

Admins can block screenshots and forwards, control followers, and visibility in the directory.

Join the Waitlist

WhatsApp Channels is not available to everyone yet; users must join a waitlist.

Only One Way

Users can share text, images, videos, stickers, and links on their channels, but it operates as one-way broadcasts.

Not Encrypted

Channels are designed for broad audiences and are not end-to-end encrypted.

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