Karya - Indian Startup Collaborates With Tech Giants

Indian startup Karya employs rural women to collect 7 label data for AI chatbots & virtual assistants in vernacular languages.

Manu Chopra, the founder, started working on using technology to combat poverty after his graduation in 2017.

Motive Behind Karya

Before Rise Of ChatGPT

Karya, founded in 2021, meets growing demand for data in the generative AI frenzy. India expects 1 million data annotation workers by 2030, reports Nasscom.

Employee Value

Karya pays rural women up to 20 times the minimum wage for higher-quality Indian-language data, setting it apart in the industry.

The 27 Year Old Genius

"Tech giants spend billions on AI training data," says Stanford-educated founder of Karya, Manu Chopra. "Low wages are an industry failure."

Prominent names in Silicon Valley teams up with Karya for high-quality data to serve non-English users, marking a significant industry shift.

A Positive Shift

Story Of Preethi

In a tiny room, in a village of Bangalore, sits Preethi P. reading a sentence in her native Kannada language into an app on a phone.

Today Preethi P. earns 4,500 rupees in three days working with Karya, quadrupling her usual monthly income as a tailor.

Employee Of Karya

Toward Development 

30,000+ women help Karya collect gender-intentional data for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce LLM gender biases.

No Time To Stop

Karya aims to alleviate poverty 7 plans to expand its platform to organizations in Africa & South America.

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