International Girl Child Day

Do we need a day to call out the gender norms and preach about the sex sophisticatedly?

Change Mentality!

 India has a female population of 48.04% and a male population of 51.96%. Equality is Balance & there is still a long way to go.

Daughter's / Son's Parent?

Boys and girls are equal but have unique characteristics. Their upbringing may involve some differentiation, but it all begins at home.

Are We On The Right Page?

"Books Are Your Best Friends" - Girls have the right to education. Buddy4Study has a list of scholarships available for girls.

She Is Not Livestock

Marriage is a commitment, not a business deal. Eradicate the Dowry System.

Treat Her Like A Human Being

A No Means No! Stop Sexual Harrasement. Call 181 Women Helpline: 24/7 support for women and child victims of violence.

Make Her Don't Break Her!

Invest in your daughter's dreams with Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) - government-guaranteed, tax-free savings.

Does She Know Herself?

Teaching girls about their bodies is the first step in their self-discovery. Explore the Menstrual Hygiene Scheme (MHS) for support

A Major Need

Hygiene is a basic necessity for girls. Make it a priority with the help of Sofy, Sirona, PeeBuddy, Everteen, and Gynocup.

Invest In The Future

A small step today in making the right choices will lead to a better future.  She Is The Future. 

Next: K-Dramas Highlighting Mental Health Issues