10 Must-Read Stephen King Novels 

As we celebrate the extraordinary author's 76th birthday, we decided to list down some of our favourites suspenseful page-turners written by Stephen King.


King's 1986 novel is a 1142 pages long book and is one of his longest books that many have finished reading in a matter of days.

The Stand

A book that you may find difficult to put down, The Stand is the ultimate war of good against evil.


 A story about a deranged character who kidnaps her favourite author & forces him to write a sequel to her favourite series.

The Dead Zone

A story about a school teacher who awakens from a coma with psychic abilities.

The Shining

Imagine spending a lonely winter all by yourself in a nearly empty building. The Shining was also turned into a movie in 1980.

Salem's Lot

What if a Dracula-like vampire moved to a small town like Maine? Slowly, much of the town transforms into vampires.

The Green Mile

A story about a large man sentenced to death for the rape of two young girls. Read it to unravel the mystery.


Labeled as one of the greatest books of the year by New York Times, this book is a must-read to understand King's magic.


A 2023 novel, the story follows Holly Gibney, one of King's most compelling characters.

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