Instagram launched a new collection of Story stickers created by Mariery Young from Instagram’s design team to celebrate the onset of Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month in the U.S. To use it, you just need to tap the sticker icon on Instagram Story and choose your favourite among the three. Instagram for Business and Instagram’s @design introduced the new stickers just two days ago.

As stated by Instagram’s @design, “For Mariery, who lives in Panama, #LatinxHeritageMonth is a celebration of family, culture, and honoring the past.”

Check out Instagram’s three stickers of Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month:

According to Instagram’s @design, the Chinese illustrator expressed, “Being apart reminds us of the things we loved in our childhood, like carnivals [sic] and street parties. I think that nostalgia connects our community.” Inspired by Latinx creators and future-makers, she further said, “This generation is celebrating and honoring these things that we were told weren’t to be celebrated, and they’re creating a beautiful new moment.”

Let’s support the Latinx community on Instagram through these beautiful stickers created by Mariery Young!