Instagram is a platform where businesses bloom. People love to check out exciting items on the app all the time. Shopping is one of the joys that we can never control even if we want to. You may not be buying something of a massive amount, but shopping is shopping. Who cares if it’s small stuff or large? What matters is the pleasure we derive from it. To make shopping more secure and easy, Instagram introduced the checkout feature through which products can be sold directly.

Without the hassle of going to the website and buying, Instagram ensured to make the shopping experience more comfortable. As stated by the Instagram Business team on Facebook for Business, “Checkout enhances the shopping experience by making the purchase simple, convenient and secure. People no longer have to navigate to the browser when they want to buy. And with their protected payment information in one place, they can shop their favourite brands without needing to log in and enter their information multiple times.”

Source: Instagram For Business Blog

Now, let’s dive into the steps to sell products directly through Instagram Checkout:


  • Having an eligible U.S e-commerce business that complies with Instagram’s Commerce Policies.
  • Make sure to have an Instagram Business account that’s connected to any Facebook page and Commerce Manager or integrated with platforms like ShopifyBigCommerce, and so on.
  • Product Catalogue is the third essential part which consists of product tags in feed, product stickers in Stories, and a shopping destination in Explore.


  • The first and foremost step is to change the ‘Check out on Another Website’ option to ‘Checkout on Facebook or Instagram’.
  • Confirm this checkout method to gain a smooth and quick business experience.

Bonus Features

Live Shopping

Live Shopping allows users to tag products directly, which helps in real-time purchasing instantly when people are interested.

Product Launches

Promoting new products on Instagram through layouts is much easier now. You can even enable a real-time preview of the launched products as per your design. Shop’s insights in the Commerce Manager is another advantage.

As you can understand after going through the points, Instagram Checkout is a great feature that can relatively make your business run for the better. Along with gaining these insights, it’s also helpful to deliver eye-catching Instagram Stories. You can find the related insight on Instagram Shared Attention-Grabbing Stories Tips. Happy experimenting!